Research Article

Technology and Secondary Writing: A Review of the Literature

Matthew U. Blankenship 1 *, Erin E. Margarella 1
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1 University of South Florida, United States* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 5(2), April 2014, 146-160,
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This article reports a review of the literature that focused on relationship between writing instruction and technology in the secondary classroom since the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act over the past two decades. Based on the search, six themes have emerged across the fields of writing instruction and assessment. Within writing instruction, it was found that researchers often focused on a third space (Bhabha, 1994) where writing can take place in meaningful ways. Also, technology often served as a motivator during the instructional process of writing and worked to engage students in varied lessons. Finally, researchers found an increase in the amount of writing for secondary students when technology was introduced into the instructional classroom. Within writing assessment, the research focused on special populations including special education students, minorities, economically disadvantaged and English language learners. Next, technology served as a motivator in both the instruction and assessment of writing and tended to be a factor that increased writing assessment scores. Finally, researchers posit technology can be used to allow teachers to give effective and efficient feedback through the instructional and assessment cycles and tended to increase student assessment scores. These themes emerged across all articles reviewed and truly demonstrate where writing with technology research has occurred in the secondary classroom.


Blankenship, M. U., & Margarella, E. E. (2014). Technology and Secondary Writing: A Review of the Literature. Contemporary Educational Technology, 5(2), 146-160.


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