Research Article

E-Tools and the Globalised World of Learning and Communication

Juliet Stoltenkamp 1, Jephias Mapuva 1 *
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1 University of the Western Cape, South Africa* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(3), July 2010, 208-220,
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The utilization of the knowledge economy in the information age has been promoted by various tools developed both for communication and marketing purposes. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have proved their propensity to influence the flow, acquisition and dissemination of information across the globe. The business and education sectors have been the most conspicuous of all beneficiaries of ICT applications, especially in the fast-globalizing environment where interaction has become a necessity and an obligation rather than leisure. Enhanced tools for education, marketing and communication purposes have been coined with unprecedented efficacy and efficiency. Some of these technologies (e.g. blogs) have even livened communication and interaction among users. This paper will therefore focus on various e-tools and their application to open education, with prevalence being on the blog tool.


Stoltenkamp, J., & Mapuva, J. (2010). E-Tools and the Globalised World of Learning and Communication. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(3), 208-220.


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