Research Article

Exploration of ChatGPT in basic education: Advantages, disadvantages, and its impact on school tasks

Raúl Alberto Garcia Castro 1 * , Nikole Alexandra Mayta Cachicatari 1 , Willian Máximo Bartesaghi Aste 1 , Martín Pedro Llapa Medina 1
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1 Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Tacna, PERU* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(3), July 2024, ep511,
Published Online: 13 May 2024, Published: 01 July 2024
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The introduction of ChatGPT into basic education is progressing rapidly, generating impacts that, in many cases, are unknown. Its impressive capability profiles it as a tool that will revolutionize teaching and learning processes, creating gaps that need to be understood and evaluated. The research aims to explore the advantages, disadvantages, and its impact on school tasks. It is an exploratory qualitative study; data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 110 participants from five schools in Tacna, Peru. The results reveal that ChatGPT provides information quickly and easily, with a variety of content and pedagogical strategies. Additionally, it serves for evaluation, knowledge consultation, and scheduling school tasks. Eight related disadvantages were identified: Easy access to information may encourage the habit of copying and pasting, fostering academic dependence that would affect the development of skills, such as inquiry, argumentation, analysis, and critical thinking. Also, students may misuse information, cheating on school tasks and affecting their quality and suitability, making them no longer useful for education, including synthesis, essays, monographs, organizers, summaries, and mathematical exercises.


Garcia Castro, R. A., Mayta Cachicatari, N. A., Bartesaghi Aste, W. M., & Llapa Medina, M. P. (2024). Exploration of ChatGPT in basic education: Advantages, disadvantages, and its impact on school tasks. Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(3), ep511.


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