Review Article
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Scientific Literature on the Accessibility of an Integrated E-Learning Model for Students with Disabilities
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1 Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, JORDAN* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(3), July 2022, ep374,
Published: 01 May 2022
OPEN ACCESS 2583 Views 1234 Downloads
The main objective of this study is to present a bibliometric analysis of research on e-learning accessibility at the global level. The bibliometric literature was comprised of 1,325 documents, after data pre-processing, published in Scopus database, covering the period from 1985 to 2021. First, a performance analysis was conducted to assess the publication performance of authors, institutions, countries, and other actors. Second, a science mapping analysis was performed to reveal the structure and dynamics of the e-learning accessibility field. As a result, the most productive, sources, authors, institutions, and countries were identified. Also, the collaboration patterns between particular actors were assessed. Furthermore, the e-learning accessibility research themes and their interrelationships were uncovered. This study contributes to the literature by providing useful information about the e-learning accessibility research status quo and, helps policymakers to achieve effective research planning. That is, it helps in objectively identifying strengths and gaps in e-learning accessibility research in terms of its growth, development, themes, impact, and coverage.
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