Research Article
Usage of Digital Educational Resources in Teaching Students with Application of “Flipped Classroom” Technology
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1 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Russia* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 12(2), October 2020, ep278,
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Modern educational process has to take into account the tendencies in science and tech advancement and also demands of society to quality of education services. As one of the most effective ways, there is reasonably considered purposeful usage of digital educational resources. In this study, there has been considered modern educational technology of “Blended learning” by model of the “Flipped classroom”, that is based on the concept of unifying the technology of “class-lesson system” and technology of digital teaching on the grounds of new didactic possibilities given by ICT (informational and communicational technologies) and modern teaching means. Theoretical methods among which there are analyzing, comparing and summarizing the research subject on the base of psychological and pedagogical literature; query-diagnostic method that help to evaluate effectiveness of digital educational resources usage in teaching students with application of “Flipped classroom” technology. In the carried study, there are shown different variants and technological means in realization of “Flipped classroom” when making digital educational resources on subjects of “Methodology and methods in organizing scientific research” and “Method of teaching mathematics”. According to survey results it can be stated that students sufficiently highly evaluate the level in organization of teaching, the content of digital educational resources and also qualification and responsiveness of teachers. Study results can be used at development of teaching courses, digital educational resources that are introduced within scope of higher education, when making comparative studies for working out design methodology for digital educational resources. Pilot project on introduction of new educational technology on within realization scope of digital education resources at various levels of higher professional education, was held on the base of Kazan (Volga region) federal university institute and proved its trustworthiness.
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