Research Article

TPACK-SAMR digital literacy competence, technostress, and teaching performance: Correlational study among EFL lecturers

Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin 1 2 * , Nur Mukminatien 1 , Francisca Maria Ivone 1
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1 Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, INDONESIA2 Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, NTB, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), April 2023, ep409,
Published Online: 31 January 2023, Published: 01 April 2023
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This study aimed to scrutinize the correlation between English as a foreign language (EFL) lecturers’ digital literacy competence (DLC) based on the TPACK-SAMR framework and their technostress. In addition, this study revealed how the variables correlated to the lecturers’ EFL teaching performances. Therefore, a correlational design with a descriptive explanation model was conducted. The participants were six EFL lecturers from six different universities in various cities in East Java Province, Indonesia. The data were collected by administering TPACK-SAMR DLC and technostress questionnaires, conducting a semi-structured interview, and documenting the teaching scenarios. The results showed that most participants were more confident with their pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. They claimed it was hard to mingle them into harmonious teaching performances with technology that challenged them to achieve the higher TPACK-SAMR DLC level. Relevant to this finding, their DLC had a negative ‘very high’ correlation with technostress, shown by -.824 Pearson correlation coefficient. Henceforth, their EFL teaching performances reflected the minimum operation of technology, according to SAMR stages, to mediate EFL teaching by substituting and augmenting the technology. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of DLC training to escalate the positive outcomes of EFL teaching with technology and minimize technostress.


Muslimin, A. I., Mukminatien, N., & Ivone, F. M. (2023). TPACK-SAMR digital literacy competence, technostress, and teaching performance: Correlational study among EFL lecturers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), ep409.


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