Research Article
The Role of Self-directed Learning, Metacognition, and 21st Century Skills Predicting the Readiness for Online Learning
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1 Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Department of Educational Sciences, Turkey2 Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), July 2021, ep300,
OPEN ACCESS 6868 Views 3709 Downloads
This study investigated role of the self-directed learning skills, metacognitive awareness, and 21st century skills and competences in predicting readiness for online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. 21st Century Skills and Competences Scale, Self-Directed Learning Skills Scale, Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, and Readiness for Online Learning Scale were used to collect data from 834 prospective teachers. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results indicated that self-directed learning skills, metacognitive awareness, and 21st century skills and competences positively predict prospective teachers’ readiness for online learning. These findings suggested that enhancing prospective teachers’ self-directed learning, metacognitive awareness, and 21st century skills and competences may promote their readiness for online learning.
Karatas, K., & Arpaci, I. (2021). The Role of Self-directed Learning, Metacognition, and 21st Century Skills Predicting the Readiness for Online Learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), ep300.
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