Research Article
The Increasing Quest for Instructional Designers and Technologists in Higher Education and Corporate Settings
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1 Independent Researcher, USA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), January 2022, ep345,
Published: 03 January 2022
OPEN ACCESS 3070 Views 2149 Downloads
As recognition of the roles and contributions of Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) professionals has increased, so has the demand for their skills in the workplace whether in higher education institutions or business entities. However, there remains some ambiguity, especially in higher education, about who IDTs are and what they do. There are also questions about who is hiring them. This content analysis study of 250 advertised higher education and corporate IDT positions found no fewer than 9 job titles, 13 academic programs, 5 degree levels, work experience from 1 to 10 years, and compensation that ranged from an hourly pay to a six-digit annual salary. Required skillsets included not only technical and analytical expertise but personal qualities. This study was conducted to provide a current look at the employment opportunities for Instructional Designers and Instructional Technologists.
Nworie, J. (2022). The Increasing Quest for Instructional Designers and Technologists in Higher Education and Corporate Settings. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), ep345.
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