Research Article
The Impact of Mobile Digital Game in Learning Arabic Language at Tertiary Level
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1 Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia2 Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), January 2022, ep344,
Published: 03 January 2022
OPEN ACCESS 2382 Views 1898 Downloads
In the 21st century, the advancement of technology has changed how people, especially the younger generation communicate and socialise with each other, as well as how they learn, acquire and process information. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact on the employment of digital game-based learning in Arabic class at the tertiary level. This study is a qualitative study and data obtained through semi-structured interview sessions with 16 students at tertiary level, who exposed to the mobile digital game in learning the Arabic language. The students were chosen purposively based on several determining characteristics. The major findings indicated that the mobile digital game produces a significant effect on their learning achievement and enhances their Arabic vocabulary acquisition. Besides, the digital game-based learning also promotes a student-centred and interactive learning, while additionally creates an enjoyable environment for learning that could encourage student participation in class activities, sustain their learning engagement, and improve their motivation. This study explored opportunities for Arabic language lecturers to practice digital game-based learning as it promotes student-centred learning, which would enhance student’s participation in language activities and provide them with a joyful, fun, and active learning environment.
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