Research Article

The Impact of Digital Citizenship Instruction through Flipped Classroom Model on Various Variables

Kevser Hava 1 * , Mehmet Fikret Gelibolu 2
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1 Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey2 Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 9(4), October 2018, 390-404,
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With the advent of portable technological devices such as mobile phones and tablets, online learning environments have become widespread at schools. This, in turn, has resulted in the emergence of a new learning environment: flipped classrooms. The flipped classroom could be defined as a modern learning environment where teaching content is presented to students through online sources outside the school. The present study examined the impact of digital citizenship instruction through the flipped classroom model on various variables such as learning performance, self-regulated learning, self-directed learning, and information literacy. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design in which pre-tests and post-tests were applied to both research and control groups. The participants were 59 teacher candidates who were freshman undergraduates at Bozok University. During a five-week implementation process, research group students performed certain activities related to digital citizenship while the control group learned digital citizenship via traditional methods. The results showed that the flipped classroom model had a significant effect on only learning performance. No difference were observed between research and control groups in terms of self-regulated learning, self-directed learning, and information literacy variables.


Hava, K., & Gelibolu, M. F. (2018). The Impact of Digital Citizenship Instruction through Flipped Classroom Model on Various Variables. Contemporary Educational Technology, 9(4), 390-404.


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