Review Article
Systematic literature review on the holistic integration of e-learning in universities: Policy, human, financial, and technical perspectives
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1 School of Foreign Languages, Hubei Polytechnic University, Huangshi, CHINA2 School of Education Universiti, Utara Malaysia, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(2), April 2024, ep497,
Published Online: 26 February 2024, Published: 01 April 2024
OPEN ACCESS 1850 Views 1522 Downloads
This systematic literature review (SLR) explores the integration of e-learning in universities, emphasizing a comprehensive approach that intertwines various mainstream perspectives. Despite numerous studies on e-learning implementation evaluation, few have holistically considered financial, human, technical, and policy factors. This review used PRISMA guidelines and sources from Scopus, Google Scholar, ERIC, SAGE, and ProQuest. Of 26 analyzed studies, seven core themes emerged: Policy, financial, technical, human, institutional factors, others, and an integrated perspective, further distilled into 13 sub-themes. Findings highlight the importance of an integrative framework for evaluating e-learning, underscoring the interplay between macro and institutional policies. Additionally, the authors recommend cross-national comparisons and data synthesis from stakeholders, including students, educators and directors, to fully grasp e-learning implementation dynamics. Distinctively, it adopts an integrated perspective, filling the research gap by emphasizing overlooked financial considerations and presenting a comprehensive view through an SLR. By drawing insights from human, finance, technical, and policy perspective, the study provides a multidimensional lens on e-learning. This forward-looking approach not only captures the current state of e-learning integration but also charts future research directions, establishing its originality and significance in higher education.
Hu, K., & Raman, A. (2024). Systematic literature review on the holistic integration of e-learning in universities: Policy, human, financial, and technical perspectives. Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(2), ep497.
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