Research Article

System Quality and Student’s Acceptance of the E-learning System: The Serial Mediation of Perceived Usefulness and Intention to Use

Maha Ismail Alkhawaja 1 * , Mutia Sobihah Abd Halim 1 , Mohanad S. S. Abumandil 2 , Ahmed Samed Al-Adwan 3
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1 University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia2 University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia3 Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(2), April 2022, ep350,
Published: 09 January 2022
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This study explores the mechanism through which system quality influences e-learning system acceptance. Precisely, this study aims to examine how perceived usefulness and intention to use serially mediate the impact of system quality on actual use. The data were collected from three public universities in Jordan. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine 336 questionnaires. The findings reveal that system quality significantly affects perceived usefulness and intention to use, perceived usefulness significantly affects intention to use and actual use, where the intention to use significantly affects actual use of the e-learning system as well. Furthermore, the study also confirms that system quality does not affect the e-learning system actual use directly but indirectly and serially through the two acceptance variables, perceived usefulness and intention to use. Thus, this study improves the understanding of student’s acceptance and behavior towards the e-learning system in Jordan public universities and the effect of system quality attributes on this relationship. Also, this study set certain directions for the decision-makers and university management in designing their strategies.


Alkhawaja, M. I., Abd Halim, M. S., Abumandil, M. S. S., & Al-Adwan, A. S. (2022). System Quality and Student’s Acceptance of the E-learning System: The Serial Mediation of Perceived Usefulness and Intention to Use. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(2), ep350.


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