Research Article
Students’ Perspectives on the Use of Differentiated Assessment Tool: Results from an Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Method Pilot Study
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1 Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(2), April 2022, ep358,
Published: 02 February 2022
OPEN ACCESS 2263 Views 1819 Downloads
While educators worldwide are moving towards the universal design for learning, it is also essential to ensure learners are suitably assessed. Assessments and learning profoundly reciprocate one another as assessment may inform the learning practices, and vice versa. Resonating the aforesaid view, PutraPacer was developed as a customizable tool to empower instructors in embracing differentiated assessment. The objective of this pilot study is to elicit feedback on the use of PutraPacer as a differentiated assessment tool among a group of undergraduate students at a higher education institution. Drawing on the UTAUT model, this study employs an explanatory sequential mixed-method design to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative findings show that the mean values for performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and behavioural intention to use PutraPacer are ranged between 3.56 and 3.67. Based on the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, there are strong association between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences with behavioural intention to use PutraPacer as a differentiated assessment tool. The qualitative findings reveal that the students perceived PutraPacer as a user-friendly and a learning tool that promotes individualized learning experience and supports students with different abilities, and iii) a good platform for practices, quizzes, and revision.
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