Research Article
Robo academic advisor: Can chatbots and artificial intelligence replace human interaction?
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1 University of Nizwa, Nizwa, OMAN* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(1), January 2024, ep485,
Published Online: 01 December 2023, Published: 01 January 2024
OPEN ACCESS 3482 Views 2788 Downloads
Purpose: Chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to alleviate some of the challenges faced by humans. Faculties frequently swamped with teaching and research may find it difficult to act in a parental role for students by offering them individualized advice. Hence, the primary purpose of this study is to review the literature on chatbots and AI in light of their role in auto-advising systems. The authors aimed to gain insights into the most pertinent topics and concerns related to robo academic advisor and identify any gaps in the literature that could serve as potential avenues for further research.
Design/methodology/approach: The research employs a systematic literature review and bibliometric techniques to find 67 primary papers that have been published between 1984 and 2023. Using the Scopus database, the researchers built a summary of the literature on chatbots and AI in academic advice.
Findings: Chatbot applications can be a promising approach to address the challenges of balancing personalized student advising with automation. More empirical research is required, especially on chatbots and other AI-based advising systems, to understand their effectiveness and how they can be integrated into educational settings.
Research limitations/implications: This research’s sample size may restrict its findings’ generalizability. Furthermore, the study’s focus on chatbots may overlook the potential benefits of other AI technologies in enhancing robo academic advising systems. Future research could explore the impact of robo academic advisors in diverse societal backgrounds to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their implications.
Practical implications: Higher educational institutions (HEIs) should establish a robo academic advising system that serves various stakeholders. The system’s chatbots and AI features must be user-friendly, considering the customers’ familiarity with robots.
Originality/value: This study contributes to a better understanding of HEIs’ perceptions of the adoption of chatbots and AI in academic advising by providing insightful information about the main forces behind robo academic advising, illuminating the most frequently studied uses of chatbots and AI in academic advising.
Design/methodology/approach: The research employs a systematic literature review and bibliometric techniques to find 67 primary papers that have been published between 1984 and 2023. Using the Scopus database, the researchers built a summary of the literature on chatbots and AI in academic advice.
Findings: Chatbot applications can be a promising approach to address the challenges of balancing personalized student advising with automation. More empirical research is required, especially on chatbots and other AI-based advising systems, to understand their effectiveness and how they can be integrated into educational settings.
Research limitations/implications: This research’s sample size may restrict its findings’ generalizability. Furthermore, the study’s focus on chatbots may overlook the potential benefits of other AI technologies in enhancing robo academic advising systems. Future research could explore the impact of robo academic advisors in diverse societal backgrounds to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their implications.
Practical implications: Higher educational institutions (HEIs) should establish a robo academic advising system that serves various stakeholders. The system’s chatbots and AI features must be user-friendly, considering the customers’ familiarity with robots.
Originality/value: This study contributes to a better understanding of HEIs’ perceptions of the adoption of chatbots and AI in academic advising by providing insightful information about the main forces behind robo academic advising, illuminating the most frequently studied uses of chatbots and AI in academic advising.
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