Research Article
Psychological Difficulties of Adopting Distance Education Technologies in Higher Education During the COVID-19
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1 Institute of Psychology, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, RUSSIA2 Department of Social Psychology, Psychology Division, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(3), July 2022, ep376,
Published: 30 May 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1610 Views 1024 Downloads
The subject of the study is the psychological difficulties of adopting distance education technologies by university students. The materials of exploratory research obtained on a sample of students from several universities of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) are presented. The study involved respondents aged 19 to 22 (N = 86), 39% of whom were males. In the research, the unstructured interview method was used, during which we asked students to share in detail about their user experience, describing not only the learning process itself but the whole learning context in general. Considering the results using the TAM model, it can be assumed that students are not satisfied with any of the components. Distance learning technologies are not perceived by students as easy to use, and there is a low assessment of the perceived usefulness of these technologies. The attitude towards technology is also rather negative. From the point of view of student acceptance of technology, it can be said that distance learning causes some difficulties associated with cognitive, and emotional aspects, as well as interaction in a virtual environment, and the learning process. Learning creates anxiety and dissatisfaction with the learning process itself.
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