Research Article
Perspectives on online learning: Advantages and challenges in higher education
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1 University of Sevilla, Sevilla, SPAIN2 University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, SPAIN* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(4), October 2024, ep525,
Published Online: 31 August 2024, Published: 01 October 2024
OPEN ACCESS 1067 Views 705 Downloads
Online learning in higher education has established itself as a key educational strategy that transforms the teaching and learning process in universities. In this context, it is crucial to examine the different effects that this method can generate in order to identify both the opportunities and challenges that teachers face when adopting this modality. The aim of this research is to analyse the perspectives of online learning, focusing on the advantages and challenges it presents in higher education. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews with 47 teachers from the University of Cadiz and the University of Seville. The analysis of the data obtained highlights the benefits that online learning offers, such as flexibility and accessibility, as well as the difficulties related to technical problems and access to technology. The results underline the significant opportunities that online learning offers to improve the educational process, provided that the necessary teacher support and training is available. This study also provides valuable recommendations to guide future teachers and researchers in the effective integration of this method in higher education.
Montenegro Rueda, M., Fernández Cerero, J., Fernández Cerero, D., & López Meneses, E. (2024). Perspectives on online learning: Advantages and challenges in higher education. Contemporary Educational Technology, 16(4), ep525.
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