Research Article

Impact of Web-Based Teaching on the Learning Performance of Education and Training in the Service Industry during COVID-19

Cheng-Jui Tseng 1, Tzu-Chia Chen 1 *
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1 MBA Program, International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 12(2), October 2020, ep277,
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In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, companies around the world have suspended on-site jobs and adopted remote operations. Education and training in some companies are also being carried out through web-based teaching. In addition to bringing new challenges to traditional education and training, web-based teaching platforms also provide a wealth of information sources and application channels for corporate education and training. This study targeted service staff in the service industry as subjects, and incorporated three types of teaching methods into the research design, namely video tutorial, computer-aided teaching and web-based teaching. ANOVA and stepwise regression are then used to analyze the learning motivation, learning attitude and learning performance in an integrated comparison. The results showed that in the service industry, using web-based teaching to conduct employee training for service staff had a substantial impact on improving their learning performance.


Tseng, C.-J., & Chen, T.-C. (2020). Impact of Web-Based Teaching on the Learning Performance of Education and Training in the Service Industry during COVID-19. Contemporary Educational Technology, 12(2), ep277.


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