Research Article

Images of the Internet Concept Generated by Primary School Students through Their Paintings

Necmi Esgi 1 *, Vildan Cevik 1
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1 Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(3), July 2010, 221-232,
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This study investigated primary education students’ perception of the Internet through resorting to the images they produced for the Internet concept. Sixty five primary education students constituted the sample of the study. Participants were asked to draw a picture concerning the Internet concept. In addition, researchers gave a 10-item survey form to voluntary students to collect demographic information. Frequency, percentage and Chi-square analyses were carried out for the demographic data collected. Qualitative analyses were conducted on the pictures students drew, and an evaluation chart was prepared. The images that students generated concerning Internet concepts have been categorized as: “game, homework, chat, research, music, video, violence and news”. Furthermore, other remarkable themes were torch, individualism, motionlessness and so on. Most common reasons of using the Internet were homework and games. It was revealed that personal Internet usage coincided with the images created concerning the Internet. There appeared a direct connection with the first three objects which came to mind about the Internet and the images they produced.


Esgi, N., & Cevik, V. (2010). Images of the Internet Concept Generated by Primary School Students through Their Paintings. Contemporary Educational Technology, 1(3), 221-232.


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