Research Article
ICT in EFL Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
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1 University of Tampere, Finland* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 11(2), April 2020, 177-195,
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This literature review focuses the research conducted on Information and Communication Technology in English as a Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. It reviews various aspects of ICT integration, ICT tools, barriers and challenges to ICT integration, teachers’ perceptions and views about ICT and advantages and benefits of ICT integration in education. The factors effecting pre-service and in-service teachers and student teachers’ perceptions, views and confidence about ICT integration are also discussed and analyzed. This review further discusses the gaps in the studies and establishes a theoretical background for further studies specifically in Oman.
Sabiri, K. A. (2020). ICT in EFL Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Literature Review. Contemporary Educational Technology, 11(2), 177-195.
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