Research Article
Humanity in Digital Age: Cognitive, Social, Emotional, and Ethical Implications
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1 Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, United States2 Salisbury University, United States* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(1), January 2015, 1-18,
OPEN ACCESS 3052 Views 2537 Downloads
Even though technology has brought great benefits to current society, there are also indications that the manner in which people use technology has undermined their humanity in some respects. In this article the authors frame human nature in terms of four dimensions: cognition, social interaction, emotion, and ethics. We argue that while basic human nature remains constant, the four dimensions are molded to some extent by interaction with our environment, particularly through the use of technology. As a powerful factor, we need to use technology in a way that human cognition, social interaction, emotion, and ethics are supported and not seriously disturbed by digital devices. Education can be a means of helping learners use technology in a positive way, minimizing its negative potential. This paper shows how people’s choice and level of interaction with technology can allow them to live in harmony with technology. It also points to possible directions to teach healthy co-existence with technology. The suggestions include applying decision-making theory, increasing self-awareness, teaching academic honesty, and responding to problems with technology addiction through impulse control training and other programs
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