Research Article
Fostering Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflection in Self-Regulatory Process Through Socio-Emotional Collaborative Note-Taking in the mCSCL Environment
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1 Chulalongkorn University, Thailand* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(4), October 2021, ep319,
OPEN ACCESS 2713 Views 1152 Downloads
Self-regulation is an essential skill in teacher development, especially for pre-service teachers who need to develop their own self-regulated skills while simultaneously promoting self-regulation in learners. This study outlines a teacher development program in which pre-service teachers participated in a self-regulatory process in a Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (mCSCL) online learning environment. Our aim is to fill the existing gap in this area by adding more collaborative learning processes. This study aimed to investigate the predictive effects that self-evaluation to define tasks and goals (at forethought phase) has on self-reflection, which is mediated by collaboration. Furthermore, we have drawn the possibility of embedding collaboration into the socio-emotional note-taking process by using the concept of mCSCL throughout the self-regulated learning process. Data was collected from undergraduate students, working as pre-service teachers, and studying at two institutes in Thailand (N=147), with 17 items of self-regulatory inventory obtained from the original self-regulatory inventory together with 5 other collaboration developed by the author. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was used to confirm a partial mediation model via direct and indirect effects. Later the path analysis, the qualitative data is acquired to re-design the socio-emotional collaborative note-taking on mCSCL tools during the self-regulatory learning process, corresponding with the model testing phase according to the previous study by a semi-structure interview with 5 pre-service teachers. The results proved that collaboration was found to be a significant partial mediator of self-evaluation and self-reflection, in accordance with the empirical data. With our findings we were able to design a socio-emotional collaborative note-taking activity in the mCSCL setting. We proposed collaborative note-taking activities which collaboration procedure is highlighted throughout 3 phases: collaboration in pre-performance (recording ideas and planning), collaboration during the performance (sharing and brainstorming, support and seeking helps), and collaboration in post-performance (reflecting and evaluating) in which the activity was taking place between instructors and peers during supervision period.
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