Research Article
Exploring Students’ Increased Use of Tablets After Taking Online Courses During the COVID-19 Lockdown
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1 Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian, CHINA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(4), October 2022, ep380,
Published: 27 July 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1588 Views 1885 Downloads
The present study aimed to investigate the ownership and usage of Tablets among Chinese foreign language students. Adopted a quantitative approach, this research was considered a case study with exploratory nature. The data were collected from a self-reported questionnaire between May 31st and June 6th, and 276 valid responses were analyzed utilizing SPSS. Independent samples t-test and Fisher’s exact tests were carried out to perform inferential and descriptive analyses. Findings revealed that augmented ownership of tablets did not result from the implementation of online courses after the outbreak of COVID-19. However, some students demonstrated preferences for paperless learning, whose learning style might have changed during the intensive distance learning process for more than one semester. Still, students’ opinions towards the introduction of tablets into pedagogical practice weren’t overall positive; those who did not have or were not willing to purchase tablet devices were more likely to be unsupportive.
Zhang, Y. (2022). Exploring Students’ Increased Use of Tablets After Taking Online Courses During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(4), ep380.
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