Research Article

Effect of a teacher training program with ICT on university students’ learning

Miguel Sanhueza 1 * , Luis Sandoval 1 , María Ormazabal 1 , María Zúñiga 1
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1 Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, CHILE* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 17(1), January 2025, ep556,
Published Online: 23 December 2024, Published: 01 January 2025
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Information and communication technologies (ICT) can help increase teachers’ abilities and, as a result, the learning of new cohorts of students who, in the age of mass higher education, enter university classrooms less prepared. Although ICT-based teacher training initiatives are well-known, there is little proof that the results are useful for students. This research aimed to study the efficiency of a teacher preparation program that considered the usage of ICT, with follow-up in the ensuing years. The sample consisted of all students enrolled at the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana of Chile from 2017 to 2022. The method of analysis grade point average was compared using a t-test to detect significance each year. The results show that in 2017–2022, students who had courses with trained instructors performed better on tests than students who had classes with untrained teachers on average. Also, it has been found that in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas instructors receive training that is generally more effective than non-STEM teachers. Consequently, women in STEM and non-STEM fields perform better when their teachers are qualified.


Sanhueza, M., Sandoval, L., Ormazabal, M., & Zúñiga, M. (2025). Effect of a teacher training program with ICT on university students’ learning. Contemporary Educational Technology, 17(1), ep556.


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