Research Article

Computer Games Influence on Everyday Social Practices of Students-Gamers

Rimma R. Khanmurzina 1 , Elena I. Cherdymova 2 * , Tatyana Yu. Guryanova 3 , Rita A. Toriia 4 , Evgenia M. Sukhodolova 5 , Larisa I. Tararina 6
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1 Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov, Russia2 Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University), Russia3 Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Russia4 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia5 Gzhel State University, Russia6 Russian State Social University, Russia* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 11(1), January 2020, 11-19,
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The article considers one of the new social phenomena that have arisen in society, and is currently changing everyday social practices, which are one of the integral parts of the new media - computer games. The problem of the study is conditioned by the fact that computer games are gaining popularity, while increasingly influencing players, changing their established way of life, behaviors, forming new styles of communication and attitude to the surrounding reality. The activation of interest in the process of everyday social practices arose due to the shift of value orientations in the structure of students’ lifestyle. The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of computer games on everyday social practices of students-gamers. The leading methods for the study of this problem is the interview method, which allows revealing more fully and multifaceted impact of computer games on everyday social practices of students-gamers. It was found that the main characteristics of the gamer are: the ability to appreciate the game; the ability to play a lot of fun, not to chase the game awards; to see in the games something of great importance; to know a lot about different games; to be able to play well and understand the game. It is shown that computer games do not generate subcultures, but only try to unite people and teach them to work together in a team. Gamers arrange events for any particular game they play. Such meetings are most often of a competitive nature. Students gamers note the following skills that they acquire through the games: meeting new people; learning English; improving communication skills; interesting stories; historical moments; military Affairs (weapons, equipment, military battles, etc.); myths and legends of different world cultures. The practical significance lies in the fact that the data obtained in the work can be used in social psychology, age psychology, psychology of work, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue.


Khanmurzina, R. R., Cherdymova, E. I., Guryanova, T. Y., Toriia, R. A., Sukhodolova, E. M., & Tararina, L. I. (2020). Computer Games Influence on Everyday Social Practices of Students-Gamers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 11(1), 11-19.


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