Research Article

Collaborative design of audio-visual materials in Political Science and Administration

Gema Sánchez Medero 1 * , Gema Pastor Albaladejo 1 , Juan Carlos Cuevas Lanchares 1 , Oliver Soto Sainz 1 , Julio Pérez Hernanz 1 , María José García Solana 1 , Jorge Resina de la Fuente 1 , Pilar Mairal Medina 1
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1 Instituto Complutense de Ciencia de la Administración, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3), July 2023, ep427,
Published Online: 21 March 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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The creation of educational audio-visual materials has recently become popular. It is an innovative and entertaining practice, which can reach millions of people through social networks and YouTube. For this reason, this specific was designed for students enrolled in the following three modules: The Spanish political system, public administration in Spain, and institutions and decision-making structures in both the of joint degrees in law and political science and in public management and economic sciences, as well as degrees in public management and degrees in political science. Educational audio-visual materials were co-designed and co-created to define a Municipal Council, its workings and its organization. This was a three phased experiment.. In the first, under the supervision of teachers, students developed five videos showing how Municipal Councils work. This allowed university students to become involved in a collaborative learning activity through which they acquired a series of important skills for future use, in addition to reinforcing their learning by participating in creation of digital teaching material, and also establishing a new teaching methodology consisting of learning-by-doing. In the second, professors and students attended CEIP Severo Ochoa Primary School in Madrid showing videos and playing two practical games, thus promoting knowledge transfer. In the third, the teachers evaluated the impact of this activity and the degree of satisfaction of university and primary school students. The result was positive, because not only was an educational innovation successfully implemented, but also a large part of objectives were achieved.


Medero, G. S., Pastor Albaladejo, G., Cuevas Lanchares, J. C., Soto Sainz, O., Pérez Hernanz, J., García Solana, M. J., Resina de la Fuente, J., & Mairal Medina, P. (2023). Collaborative design of audio-visual materials in Political Science and Administration. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3), ep427.


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