Research Article
Case-Based Pedagogy for Teacher Education: An Instructional Model
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1 Boğaziçi University, Turkey2 The University of Georgia, USA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 12(2), October 2020, ep287,
OPEN ACCESS 2777 Views 2816 Downloads
The use of cases has been promoted as a promising instructional method for creating authentic learning environments. However, the development and implementation of the best instructional strategies for effective use of cases still require further research. This paper addresses some of these gaps by proposing an emergent instructional model to be grounded in constructivism and current instructional models for case-based pedagogy. The model was implemented in a science methods course for elementary education prospective teachers. The participants engaged in several activities for four cases such as participating in online and classroom discussions and writing reflection papers. In this paper, first, we will present the connection between the pedagogy and teacher education; second, we will introduce the theoretical framework with implications for the instructional model; then, we will present some examples of learning experiences that should be included in a constructivist case-based learning environment with the proposed instructional model. Lastly, we will present findings from a study wherein the proposed model was applied to support prospective teachers’ socioscientific issue-based teaching and learning, and discuss implications for research and practice.
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