Research Article
Augmented Reality in the Secondary Education classroom: Teachers’ Visions
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1 University of Cordoba, Spain2 Department Teacher Education, Texas Woman’s University, Denton (Texas), USA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(2), April 2022, ep348,
Published: 09 January 2022
OPEN ACCESS 3425 Views 1636 Downloads
The advancement of emerging technologies in the classroom is a reality, however, the vision that teachers may have of them is essential in order for these to be incorporated. Using this as a foundation, this article’s main objective is to know the vision that secondary education (SE) teachers have of the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in teaching at that educational level. Through a descriptive correlational quantitative study, an ex-post facto design, and an ad-hoc questionnaire of 39 items, (N=350 teachers), this objective has been corroborated. The main conclusion that has been reached is that SE teachers consider AR as an element that will cause a change in the student’s learning methodology making it more autonomous and experiential. In addition, the teachers will need more training with AR, lower costs, and greater availability of resources to carry out the teaching process with greater ease.
Marín-Díaz, V., Sampedro, B., & Figueroa, J. (2022). Augmented Reality in the Secondary Education classroom: Teachers’ Visions. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(2), ep348.
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