Review Article
Analysis of Learning Losses of Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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1 Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, RUSSIA2 Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City University, Moscow, RUSSIA3 Department of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Moscow, RUSSIA4 Federal Center for Educational Legislation, Moscow, RUSSIA5 Russian New University (RosNOU), Moscow, RUSSIA6 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, RUSSIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(3), July 2022, ep369,
Published: 26 February 2022
OPEN ACCESS 6045 Views 5009 Downloads
The COVID-19 outbreak has wreaked havoc on educational systems on a scale never seen before in history. The closure of schools and other institutions of learning has impacted 94% of the world’s student population. Even school closures, such as those that occur during the summer, have a significant effect on children’s academic ability. The word “learning loss” refers to any loss of information and abilities, whether specific or generic. By Fall 2020, extended absences from school will have a detrimental effect on student achievement. Learning loss is commonly addressed when schools close for extended periods of time during the summer, natural catastrophes, or epidemics. Even brief school closures might result in significant loss of learning. Due to the global nature of the COVID-19 epidemic, special attention was devoted to learning losses.
During the pandemic, learning loss occurs as a result of kids studying at home due to school closures. School closures do not have to result in an equal loss of learning for all students. The variables that contribute to learning loss include “change in teaching methods”, “opportunities to reach education”, “less time for learning”, and “emotional factors”. Reduced instructional time–provided by teachers in accordance with the national curriculum–is likely to result in loss of learning. Due to the disparate scales used in the studies, it is hard to compare the magnitudes of learning losses. However, based on the data from the studies, it is reasonable to assume that these nations are investigating learning losses and that they exist. As a result, there is convincing evidence that students lose more information during lockdown than they do over the course of a normal school year. The elements causing learning losses differ according to context. With the reopening of schools, it is important to establish the actual magnitude of learning losses and to implement remedial measures in order to avoid the emergence of medium- and long-term educational difficulties.
During the pandemic, learning loss occurs as a result of kids studying at home due to school closures. School closures do not have to result in an equal loss of learning for all students. The variables that contribute to learning loss include “change in teaching methods”, “opportunities to reach education”, “less time for learning”, and “emotional factors”. Reduced instructional time–provided by teachers in accordance with the national curriculum–is likely to result in loss of learning. Due to the disparate scales used in the studies, it is hard to compare the magnitudes of learning losses. However, based on the data from the studies, it is reasonable to assume that these nations are investigating learning losses and that they exist. As a result, there is convincing evidence that students lose more information during lockdown than they do over the course of a normal school year. The elements causing learning losses differ according to context. With the reopening of schools, it is important to establish the actual magnitude of learning losses and to implement remedial measures in order to avoid the emergence of medium- and long-term educational difficulties.
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