Research Article
Academic Performance and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Through a Flipped Classroom Experience: Training of Future Teachers of Primary Education
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1 Department of Didactics and Educational Organization, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Seville, Spain* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), July 2021, ep305,
OPEN ACCESS 3765 Views 1421 Downloads
In recent years, studies carried out in the educational field have concluded that the Flipped Classroom methodology offers numerous advantages for both teachers and students. In this sense, this approach is worked on at the university to develop skills necessary for the future professional of students, as well as increase their commitment to the subjects. The general objective of this research is to verify if the learning acquired through the Flipped methodology, as well as the perception of it, are useful for university students of the Degree in Primary Education. For this, two types of designs are used: pretest-posttest and validation through structural equations (PLS) of the scale to evaluate the degree of acceptance of the Flipped methodology based on the TAM model. The results show the adequacy of the training proposal based on Flipped methodology for university students. The students perceive the incorporation of the inverted methodology as an adequate strategy, highlighting the ease of use in the classroom, the acceptance of its integration, the transformation of interest in learning and showing a positive attitude towards its use in the future. Together, the level of acceptance as regards the validation of the TAM model is high. Finally, the possibility of replicating the model in similar investigations or through the so-called emerging technologies is evaluated.
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