Review Article

A Decade of Research on the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality on Students with Special Disability in Higher Education

Malek Turki Jdaitawi 1 * , Ashraf F Kan'an 2
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1 Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia2 Irbid National University, Jordan* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), January 2022, ep332,
Published: 26 November 2021
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In higher education settings, students are required to use their own devices to record attendance interact with classes through online systems and other learning-teaching sources such as timetables, virtual learning environment. Real opportunity to use digital technology such as augmented reality AR technology have been used in several fields, uncovering diverse benefits regarding its usage. However, further research is needed to understand exactly how the AR enhance students learning. Focusing on individuals with special needs, AR is being used in higher education for the last few years to enhance physical, cognitive, personal, and social abilities. This systematic review presented an overview of the usage of AR technology in the special needs area in higher education literature published between 2011 and 2020 and focused on research indexed in 8 international databases. 36 studies were included for review. The results indicate that the majority of research showed positive outcomes as the AR technology proved to be effective with students with disabilities. The results also showed that AR technology was mostly used in intellectual disability setting. Finally, the result evidenced that AR assists students in enhancing their social skills, social relationships and their engagement. The results from this systematic review provide valuable information regarding to enhance individual with special needs. Future empirical research should ensure that all research is included, including settings, level of students and data collection methods such as quantitative and qualitative.


Jdaitawi, M. T., & Kan'an, A. F. (2022). A Decade of Research on the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality on Students with Special Disability in Higher Education. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), ep332.


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