Research Article

The social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea: Evidence from big data methodologies

Sang Eun Lee 1 , Naya Choi 1 * , Jieun Kiaer 2
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1 Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA2 Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3), July 2023, ep424,
Published Online: 21 March 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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The study explored the social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea using big data methodologies. Big data methodologies allowed to uncover underlying thoughts and feelings about young children’s use of smart devices that had not been discovered in existing studies. The study extracted raw data from three different groups: the public, the journalist, and academia. Then, the study conducted keyword frequency, sentiment analysis, and CONCOR analysis with UCINET 6.0. The results of the study revealed that each group viewed young children’s use of smart devices in a different way. The public was interested in effective use of smart devices while the journalist focused on educational aspects. The academia focused on parents’ perception of smart devices from a developmental perspective. Regarding the results of sentiment analysis, they showed that each group had different opinion on young children’s use of smart devices. The public had an ambivalent attitude toward young children’s use of smart devices. While the journalist showed a positively inclined attitude, the academic had a negatively inclined attitude.


Lee, S. E., Choi, N., & Kiaer, J. (2023). The social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea: Evidence from big data methodologies. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3), ep424.


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