Research Article

The effects of TPACK and facility condition on preservice teachers’ acceptance of virtual reality in science education course

M. Anas Thohir 1 * , Erif Ahdhianto 1 , Siti Mas’ula 1 , Fitri April Yanti 2 , Moh Irma Sukarelawan 3
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1 Department of Elementary and Preschool Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA2 Faculty of Education, Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, INDONESIA3 Department of Physics Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), April 2023, ep407,
Published Online: 31 January 2023, Published: 01 April 2023
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Virtual reality (VR) is developing in line with the establishment of the learning metaverse, although the relationship between its acceptance and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is very unclear. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effects of facility condition (FC), technological acceptance model (TAM), and TPACK on pre-service teachers’ use of VR in Indonesian science education courses. This condition emphasizes the description of these teachers’ readiness in designing VR for learning and teaching integration. The survey was conducted using 406 preservice teachers from 12 Indonesian universities, with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) subsequently utilized. The results showed that PU (perceived usefulness), PEOU (perceived ease of use), behavior Intention (BI), TPACK, and FC were significantly and positively related. However, two hypotheses emphasizing the relationship between FC and TPACK to PEOU were rejected. These results are expected to facilitate preservice teachers in easily adopting VR learning in courses.


Thohir, M. A., Ahdhianto, E., Mas’ula, S., April Yanti, F., & Sukarelawan, M. I. (2023). The effects of TPACK and facility condition on preservice teachers’ acceptance of virtual reality in science education course. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), ep407.


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