Research Article

The effects of integrating digital storytelling with metacognition strategies (DSTMC) learning model to enhance communication abilities

Kannattha Chaisriya 1 , Siriwatchana Kaeophanuek 1 * , Lester Gilbert 2
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1 Informatics Innovation Center of Excellence, School of Informatics, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, THAILAND2 School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), April 2023, ep416,
Published Online: 24 February 2023, Published: 01 April 2023
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Communication skills are soft skills critical for students’ development in educational institutions in the digital age. This study aims to determine the feasibility and practicality of a learning model, which combines digital storytelling with a metacognitive strategy called the DSTMC model. This learning model utilized digital storytelling as a primary learning step and integrated metacognitive strategies to monitor the thinking process to improve students’ communication, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and presentation skills. The research was conducted through case studies at a regional, southern Thailand university. The data were collected from 30 undergraduate participants. The research instruments were expert validation, pre-/post-test data, and a self-assessment questionnaire. The study showed that the DSTMC learning model is an alternative teaching method to improve communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The results of students’ test scores and self-assessments provide significant evidence indicating that it increases their learning and retention of information. The paper concludes with suggestions for using various strategies and motivating activities to encourage learners’ communication proficiency. Future research should investigate the creation of a system to track how learners improve their communication skills.


Chaisriya, K., Kaeophanuek, S., & Gilbert, L. (2023). The effects of integrating digital storytelling with metacognition strategies (DSTMC) learning model to enhance communication abilities. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(2), ep416.


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