Research Article
Opinions and Attitudes of Prospective Teachers for the Use of Mobile Phones in Foreign Language Learning
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1 Erciyes University, Turkey
Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), July 2015, 239-255,
OPEN ACCESS 1805 Views 1432 Downloads
The aim of this study is to explore the current use of mobile phones in a foreign language teaching context where Engish is used as the medium of instruction by prospective teachers. To this end, it presents the views of prospective English teachers on utilizing the mobile phone as an instructional tool for foreign language learning purposes in the educational and instructional setting of foreign language teaching classrooms. The study utilized a quantitative methodology. In this context, a questionnaire was developed and administered to a sample of 193 participants in an English Language Teaching (ELT) department. The data gathered through the questionnaire were processed and analyzed descriptively. Results indicate that most of the participants would prefer to use mobile phones as instructional tools in foreign language learning. The results also provided some insights as to how foreign language teachers could employ suitable approaches to make learning and teaching English meaningful and communicative. The results suggested that the participants would like to make use of mobile phones for educational purposes when they become teachers of English. It is recommended that some of technology-based language teaching activities can be implemented using mobile phones and they can be integrated into foreign language teaching curriculum.
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