Research Article

Investigating the Distance Education Process According to the Demographic Characteristics of the Notary and the Notary Employee

Gizem Yildiz 1 * , Ebru Kilic Cakmak 1 *
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1 Gazi University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(2), April 2021, ep293,
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This study aims to reveal the investigating the distance education process according to the demographic characteristics for the staff of the notary and the notaries in Turkey. In this research survey method is used. The sample group consists of 317 notary and notary employees who responded voluntarily to the scale in the distance education platform. Demographic information form and distance education satisfaction scale were used as data collection tools. In the analysis, ANOVA, T-Test, Mann Whitney-U, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson Correlation were performed in accordance with sub-problems. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the satisfaction of the participants was between the sub-factors and the general satisfaction between the middle and high level. All factors were found to have a high positive and significant relationship between general satisfaction and each other. The satisfaction of the participants showed a significant difference according to age, but did not show a significant difference according to gender, task type, duration of work in the profession, number of notary employees, educational level and participating in distance education previously. As a result of the research, planning the gamification, measurement and evaluation and certificate programs that the participants would provide more interaction on the platform were considered important. The contents of education were found to be effective on satisfaction.


Yildiz, G., & Kilic Cakmak, E. (2021). Investigating the Distance Education Process According to the Demographic Characteristics of the Notary and the Notary Employee. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(2), ep293.


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