Research Article

ICT Pre-service Teachers’ Opinions about the Contribution of Initial Teacher Training to Teaching Practice

Hatice Sancar Tokmak 1 *, Turkan Karakus 2
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1 Mersin University, Turkey2 Middle East Technical University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 2(4), October 2011, 319-332,
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The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how well initial teacher training in ICT prepare pre-service teachers to teaching profession. Eight pre-service teachers attending to the “School Experience” course from the Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department at the Middle East Technical University took part in this case study. Observation and interview methods were employed to gather data. Moreover, pre-service teachers’ lesson plans prepared for teaching activity were analyzed. The results showed that initial teacher training courses provided several affective teaching skills such as developing awareness about the importance of being well-prepared for each class, being calm for unexpected situations, and understanding the reasons of students’ misbehaviors in the class. However, according to ICT pre-service teachers, practical aspect of these courses was not enough. Most of them stated that they could not apply different strategies in different contexts. In addition, due to the lack of experience on classroom management they had difficulty in completing subjects although they left extra time for each activity in their lesson plans.


Sancar Tokmak, H., & Karakus, T. (2011). ICT Pre-service Teachers’ Opinions about the Contribution of Initial Teacher Training to Teaching Practice. Contemporary Educational Technology, 2(4), 319-332.


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