Research Article

Effects of the Application of WebQuest to Technology Education on Business Management Students’ Critical Thinking Psychology and Operation Capability

Chenin Chen 1 *
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1 International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(1), January 2021, ep290,
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Along with the rapid development of technology, the constant innovation and application of computer and information technology has information technology change humans’ future lifestyles as well as induce comprehensive changes in humans’ learning. Due to knowledge digitization, knowledge creation and update is fast that the acceleration and enhancement of learning effectiveness becomes the important issue concerned in global education development. Along with the population of digitization, information technology largely changes life and learning model.
Applying experimental design model to the quasi-experimental research, total 188 business management students of universities in Fujian are preceded technology education with WebQuest. The experimental teaching is preceded 3 hours per week for 16 weeks (total 48 hours). Research results reveal 1. WebQuest would affect critical thinking psychology, 2. WebQuest would affect operation capability, 3. critical thinking psychology presents significantly positive effects on problem clarification in operation capability, 4. critical thinking psychology shows remarkably positive effects on effective interaction in operation capability, and 5. critical thinking psychology reveals notably positive effects on inductive inference in operation capability. According to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to help domestic technology education get into organizational and systematic development to further cultivate students’ technology literacy.


Chen, C. (2021). Effects of the Application of WebQuest to Technology Education on Business Management Students’ Critical Thinking Psychology and Operation Capability. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(1), ep290.


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