Research Article

Effects of Augmented Reality in Teaching Old Turkish Language Mementoes on Student Achievement and Motivation

Nurullah Sahin 1 * , Mehmet Fatih Ozcan 2
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1 Sinop University, Turkey2 Agri Ibrahim Cecen University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(2), April 2019, 198-213,
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The Turkish history has a very rich content in literary context as well as political and administrative achievements. The Turkish language, which dates back to B.C., has become one of the great languages that continues its existence until modern day, leaving priceless reference guide behind. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of lessons taught using activities designed with Augmented Reality Technology on the academic achievement and motivation of students in the teaching of the subjects of Yusuf Has Hacib, Kasgarli Mahmud, Kutadgu Bilig and Divanu Lugati’t-Turk which are among the cultural heritages called “Old Turkish Language Mementoes.” In this context, Augmented Reality environments were designed in relation to the mentioned works and authors and these designs were uploaded to AURASMA 3D application and made available for smart phones. Quantitative research model was adapted in the study and the quasi-experimental method with pre-test-post-test control group was used. At the end of the study whose procedures took 6 weeks in total with the involvement of 50 college students, it was determined that AR activities has a positive effect on the academic success of the students and increases the academic success of the students, and it creates a positive environment which motivates the students towards the lesson and learning.


Sahin, N., & Ozcan, M. F. (2019). Effects of Augmented Reality in Teaching Old Turkish Language Mementoes on Student Achievement and Motivation. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(2), 198-213.


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