Research Article

Development of a Scale to Explore Technology Literacy Skills of Turkish 8th Graders

Zeynel A. Misirli 1 *, Yavuz Akbulut 1
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1 Anadolu University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(4), October 2013, 249-262,
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The use of emerging technologies shape learners’ knowledge creation and transformation processes. In this regard, this study aimed to develop a scale to investigate 8th graders’ competencies regarding the educational technology standards based on ISTE-NETS. After a review of relevant literature, an item pool was prepared. The pool was improved through expert opinions and pilot implementations. The items were administered to 620 Turkish students from six different cities for the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). A four-factor structure with a total of 21 items emerged and explained 51 percent of the total variance. Factors were named technical proficiency, creativity, digital citizenship and participation, and innovativeness. Each factor had acceptable internal consistency coefficients. For the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the scale was administered to 210 new participants from a different city in Turkey. A few modification indices led to acceptable fit values. Thus, the suggested factor structure was considered plausible. Implications of the study were provided, followed by the recommendations for further research.


Misirli, Z. A., & Akbulut, Y. (2013). Development of a Scale to Explore Technology Literacy Skills of Turkish 8th Graders. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(4), 249-262.


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