Research Article

Addiction to the Smartphone in High School Students: How It’s in Daily Life?

Arturo García-Santillán 1 * , Ester Espinosa-Ramos 2
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1 UCC Busines School, Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Mexico2 Sussane Wesley College, Veracruz, Mexico* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(2), April 2021, ep296,
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Nowadays, the serious situation that affects the entire world goes beyond the social, cultural, economic problems and other conflicts that occur day by day. These were left aside to move to a global alert; we refer to the pandemic crisis that all the nations of the world are facing. Confinement forced people all over the world to stay at home; therefore, communications through electronic devices became very necessary. This study does not seek to analyze the pandemic crisis; its purpose is to analyze the use that students give to their mobile phone, to determine if this has generated addiction, in addition to identifying if use differs in men and in women. Participants were 184 high school students enrolled in a public sector institution in the Port of Veracruz, Mexico. To obtain the data, the SAS-CV test was used. This contains questions related to the profile of the respondent and 10 items in Likert format. It was distributed via electronic devices for their response. The data were statistically analyzed using polychoric correlation matrices and factor analysis with component extraction. The main findings demonstrate the obtaining of three components: physiological, dependence and distraction, which account for 68% of the total variance, and it was also shown that there are no differences by gender.


García-Santillán, A., & Espinosa-Ramos, E. (2021). Addiction to the Smartphone in High School Students: How It’s in Daily Life?. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(2), ep296.


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