Research Article
A Needs Analysis for Technology Integration Plan: Challenges and Needs of Teachers
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1 Bahcesehir University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), July 2015, 206-220,
OPEN ACCESS 2628 Views 2111 Downloads
Lack of technology leadership and technology integration plans are important obstacles for using technology effectively in schools. We carried out a large-scale study to be able to design a technology integration plan for one of the pilot provinces that Fatih Project was initiated. The purpose of this research is to examine the perceived challenges and needs of K12 teachers when integrating technology into their classes, which would be used as the needs analysis data of the technology integration plan. A mixed design was used and 844 teachers participated in the study. An online survey was used to gather both the quantitative and qualitative data. The findings showed that there are three major issues for teachers to integrate technology into their instruction: Executive, infrastructural, and instructional. Executive issues are mostly related to managerial and financial challenges, Infrastructural issues include technological and physical challenges, and instructional issues consist of challenges related with instructional materials, students’ readiness, and teacher competencies.
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