Research Article
A Meta-Analysis of Research on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Gender
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1 Mersin University, Turkey* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(4), October 2019, 358-380,
OPEN ACCESS 4009 Views 2156 Downloads
The purpose of this study is, by using meta-analysis method, to examine whether there is a significant difference in the effect size of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) according to gender. For this purpose, it was examined whether both Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and the knowledge types related to TPACK shows a statistically significant difference by gender. A total of 29 studies conducted both in Turkey and abroad between 2007 and 2017 and meet the inclusion criteria were synthesized by the meta-analysis method. “Cohen’s d” was chosen as the effect size index in order to examine the knowledge types related to TPACK by gender. Since the studies were obtained from the literature, primary studies were combined according to the Random Effects Model. It was concluded as a result of the analysis that there is a significant difference between the knowledge types about TPACK by gender, and in the sub-group analysis, technology knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical content knowledge have a significant effect size in favor of male; on the other hand, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and technological content knowledge have an insignificant effect size in favor of male and pedagogical knowledge has an insignificant effect size in favor of female.
Ergen, B., Yanpar Yelken, T., & Kanadli, S. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of Research on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Gender. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(4), 358-380.
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